Sustainable Rural Growth and Development Initiative (SRGDI), rebranded to Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI) in 2017. This was done in order that we align ourselves to our strategic objectives and serve better, We are the same organisation but now bigger and better in terms of program implementation and coverage. Get to know us more.....
Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI), is non‐profit making, local non‐governmental organization registered with the Government of Malawi with company registration number 8541. SDI is registered with the Council for Non Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA) with Registration number C762/2014 and Certificate Number 01/169. SDI is also registered with the Non Government Organizations (NGO) Board of Malawi, registration number NGO/R/13/52.
Mission To improve the quality of lives and livelihoods of people and promote sustainable development Vision Healthy and empowered communities, living in a sustainable, peaceful and enabling environment to fulfill their potential, raise their living standards and care for the environment Strategic Objective 1: We will transform the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized people especially Children, Youth and Women Strategic Objective 2: We will enhance resilience of urban and rural communities, households and individuals from shocks and extreme events Strategic Objective 3: We will enhance environmental and natural resources management Strategic Objective 4: We will contribute towards good governance and inclusivity Strategic Objective 5: We will increase SDI’s financial and organizational capacity, strengthen accountability and identify new partnerships and collaborations FOCUS AREAS
SDI focuses on the most vulnerable and together with communities tries to find sustainable/long lasting solutions to poverty, environmental degradation and social injustices. Since 2006, SDI has contributed towards improvement of lives and livelihoods of over 500,000 households (Approximately 2.5million people) particularly in Chikhwawa, Nsanje, Chitipa, Blantyre, Thyolo Salima, Mulanje, Lilongwe, Phalombe and Zomba districts in Malawi.